
Seniors and HIV

People forget about the elderly when it comes to STD’s including HIV.  So many people think that Grandma and Grandpa are not concerned with sex but many elderly people have active and healthy sex lives.  The activities coordinator for a local senior citizens’ community says that its not uncommon for the residents “hook up”.  Some have even been caught trying to bring in sex workers.  

It is estimated that about 19 percent of people who have HIV are over the age of 50.  Some elderly people have not had formal education on the risk from unprotected sex.  Many believe that because they do not have to worry about unwanted pregnacy, they do not have to worry about using protection.  More education needs to be given to seniors on HIV (and other STD safety).

South Alabama Cares is doing its part! 

Central Plaza’s Testing Day

Central Plaza

June 25, 2008

10:00 am – 11:00 am

300 Bay Shore Ave

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